How to have a meaningful ceremony (despite the global pandemic)
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez
Funerals, weddings, and other important occasions certainly look different these days. Current public health restrictions may be hindering your vision of what a ceremony ‘should’ look like.
However, it’s still possible (and perhaps more important than ever) to mark milestones meaningfully and in community during a pandemic.
The current pandemic has taken a lot from us. But what remains is this:
our longing to be in relationship and in community and
our deep human need to come together to mark life’s big moments.
Without these core needs being met, we risk letting our lives just pass us by.
We give our lives meaning when we pause to reflect and mark our life’s transitions with our loved ones as witnesses — acknowledging who and what brought us to a certain point, as well as the roles and identities we are assuming as we blaze new trails.
My approach to ceremony has always been to think outside the box and find creative ways to reflect the values, beliefs and personalities of those being honored.
Together, we can design safe, unique and authentic ways for you and your community to connect deeply, support one another through loss, and share joys — whether in person or online.
COVID Safety Measures
May 2022
I am fully vaccinated against COVID-19. I will be following all recommended guidelines from the province of Saskatchewan for my 2022 ceremonies and only booking ceremonies that adhere to those guidelines, as well.
Find the latest updates on Saskatchewan provincial health orders here.