Reflections & Connections

Ceremony & Ritual, Legacy, Workshop Karla Combres Ceremony & Ritual, Legacy, Workshop Karla Combres

Thoughtful Questions for Artful Living: Inspiration from John O’Donohue & Rick Rubin

Sometimes the most powerful legacy-shaping idea comes in the form of a good question, thoughtfully considered. This blog post lifts up several gems that were originally articulated by John O’Donohue and Rick Rubin. Consider making them a part of your personal ritual practice to tap into that your own aliveness!

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Reclaim (Meaningful) Ceremony in Your Life

Is there a life transition you'd like to mark through meaningful ceremony or ritual, but you don't know where to begin? Read this blog post to find out:

WHY ceremony & ritual are important,

WHAT are the building blocks of ceremony,

HOW & WHEN to create simple, powerful rituals to mark milestones & move through transitions,

WAYS to work with me or do-it-yourself!

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Celebrating Four Years of Ceremonies!

Four years ago today, I officiated my very first ceremony for my dear friend Patti and her husband Ron. Since then, I’ve helped hundreds of other people mark their milestones . With each ceremony, I cross my own personal threshold. I’m grateful for this opportunity to keep learning and growing! Here’s to many more!

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Weddings Karla Combres Weddings Karla Combres

Out with the OWD, In with the NWD: Marking your postponed wedding date with ritual

To all the people who have had to postpone celebrations due to COVID-19, I offer you my deepest condolences. The big day you’ve looked forward to for months or years is now not as close as originally planned. For 'soonlyweds', you both know that you will still be getting married at some point down the road, so you may try to tell yourselves that it’s not such a big deal. It’s just another date in the calendar, right? Wrong.

This was to be a significant milestone in your journey. You bet this is a big deal. I've written some ideas on how ritual can help couples honour their original wedding dates with meaning, intention and connection, rather than pure dread.

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